Kathy McIntosh


Kathy McIntosh

Kathy McIntosh

Crime Fiction, Mystery

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  • Member Since

    Sep 2018

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    30 March

  • Profession

    Author, Editor


Kathy McIntosh has loved words since her father quoted limericks and her mother shouted, “Not in front of the girls!”
After a career that took her from scooping hard ice cream at Howard Johnson’s to giving customers the scoop on the latest high technology, with many flavors of jobs in between, Kathy quit to write full-time.
Living for eight short years a long five miles up a rutted dirt road in Idaho, Kathy braved badgers, bats, wild turkeys and the occasional rattlesnake. She became an expert on long johns, finding none to be sexy, and driving snowy roads without dying. Now she explores rocky paths, braving javelinas, saguaro, coyotes and the occasional rattlesnake. She’s discovered that great margaritas and lots of sun screen help her enjoyment. Kathy loves to read, travel, and explore different cultures and cuisines, sometimes all at once.
When she’s not writing-or enjoying any of the aforementioned vices, Kathy loves to give presentations, always with the aim of helping her audience smile—or laugh out loud—and consider new ideas.

Kathy McIntosh Books

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